Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Howdy Y'all! 

We arrived in Dallas on Sunday morning around 10am and headed straight for the Dallas Cowboy Stadium aka The House that Jerry built! Being from Los Angeles, I never had a NFL team to idolize or games to go to! This was my first time entering an NFL Stadium and I can tell you, it exceeded every expectation! I've been to the Rose Bowl but this was a whole new breed of beast! The Stadium itself from the outside it gargantuan and you can tell that it has the same amount of security (possibly more) than the White House (Jerry Jones might have more power than Obama).

We walked in and it was breath taking. The House that Jerry built was insane and I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my eyes! The screen alone was 7 stories high (160 ft by 70 ft) and I honestly think I'd watch the scene over the live game if I was there. It was mesmerizing. The stadium itself houses over 80,000 seats and 110,000 standing. They have the most flat screen televisions in the stadium than any other building in the world. They had suites in that building that have your own personal parking spot in the stadium leading you into your group floor suite. The field is over 900 feet long and it was the first stadium to have their players run onto the pitch at center field. Jerry Jones built himself a little "man cave" where we can sit and watch the game alone. In order to get to this man cave, he has his own personal elevator which only he is allowed in. Honestly, me describing this stadium to you doesn't do it nearly any justice. Please, if you ever go to Dallas, go on a tour. It's $20 well spent believe me. It's mind blowing.

After a quick walk around the stadium visiting the Cheerleaders locker room, Players locker room, the media room, where they run out on to the stadium (passing Jerry's private elevator), and finally, the field. Walking out onto the field I can see how exciting one of the Cowboys games would be. The feeling of all eyes on you is intoxicating and I could feel the excitement. We walked around the field for a while and got a group photo at the center field star. Soon after we made our way past the Cotton Bowl headquarters in the building seeing, not only the trophy, but the helmets of all the teams which have competed in the Cotton bowl. Shortly after, we made our way back downstairs, out into the humid 100+ weather and headed for our home sweet home at the Embassy Suites.


This field/stadium is HUGE

Entering the Locker Room

In the Cowboys Locker Room

The Famous Star the team runs through to the Field

Hanging in the enzone

The Famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Locker Room

Jerry's Private elevator to his Man Cave

Cotton Bowl Trophy

The 7 story screen at the Cowboys Stadium


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